

Mova YP

Association for community development KREAKTIVA was founded in order to improve and advance the status and quality of life for youth in the community and other members of vulnerable groups – children, people with disabilities, the elderly, women.

Mostly we are trying to work with unemployed youth and other groups in order to improve the quality of life in our region. Providing support to community development through capacity building of each individual practical application of modern methods, to strengthen the capacity of non-profit, for-profit and public sectors on the basis of cooperation and partnership in the development of different services on a local, national and international level and to establish good cooperation and linking different sectors in order to develop civil society as a whole.

We implement activities and project which enable young people to strenghten their capacities and capabilities for future life. WE work mostly in the field of active citizenship, raising digital skills (programming, micro:bits, 3D printing) and competences, creativity and active youth participation and community building.

Members of KREAKTIVA are experienced youth worker int he field of youth participation, dealing with conflicts and working with disadvantaged young people and unemployed people. Among those unemployed people we have had several people with various disabilities. Also our NGO is supporting and facilitating work of one NGO for people with disabilities. We are mostly working in small disadvantaged urban/rural areas. We are mostly working with unemployed youth because the unemployment rate among young people is 50% in Croatia and there are many issues and conditions developing among young people due to their inactivity and not being able to start their productive life. We have noticed great changes when working with them and enabling them to grow further and to develop their skills, competences and abilities. Their human capital is not decreasing and they are not losing motivation which is even more important. Once they lose motivation it is hard and takes a long time to get them back on the track since they lose self-esteem and it starts influencing on them on the personal level.

Target groups includes young people from 16-30 years of age. As individuals and a group we try to support young people in their attempts to keep their motivation, to develop their competences and to have a wide scope of possibilities at their disposal. We include them in international activities, workshops, camps because the mobility rate is very low among young people and they are not aware of advantages of going abroad and how that might develop them and help them grow personally and professionally. We tend to help them in that process and also, among their return we help them to become “change agents” in their groups or small communities. In that way they will bring change or at least talk about the possibilities to other young people. In that way we are trying to promote multiplicative effect young person can have on other people. Showing their abilities together with changing other people lives showed as a great thing in our communities. We learn about their skills and talents too and allow them to show that to others through a network of workshops that also other NGO in the regions are doing. In this way we are showing them, indirectly, that by networking and collaboration we meet other people with whom we could create possibilities for us.

Sounds interesting? We hope it does! 🙂 Join us or contact us for collaboration! You can reach us by e-mail udruga.kreaktiva@gmail.com 🙂