
Otvorene su prijave za trening na Cipru od 18. – 26.9.2021!

Otvoreni poziv za sudjelovanje u Erasmus+ treningu!

Tražimo osobe iz Osječko – baranjske županije (18 godina i više) koje rade s mladima ili koje žele raditi s mladima u svojoj lokalnoj zajednici, za sudjelovanje u međunarodnom treningu o mentalnom zdravlju.

Više o specifičnim ciljevima možete pročitati u tekstu koji slijedi i koji je iz samog prijavnog obrasca na engleskom jeziku kako biste već sada vidjeli imate li problema s komunikacijom na stranom jeziku :). 

The idea is to use a variety of different Non-Formal educational methods of wellbeing with their self-improvement, personal development, coaching, time-management, psychology, against social and cultural discrimination and a lot of other themes which are becoming part of our personality. The aim is to spread these methods through the NGOs and help the participants to become more balanced and happier in their daily lives.

The Project aims are:
• empowering the participants’ European identity and, awareness of the need for social participation to reduce climate change among European citizens.
• encouraging the direct participation of youth workers from 9 countries and encouraging the adoption of a responsible attitude regarding our self-improvement.
• understanding the differences between nations, making them more united through the meeting between different cultures
• Provide a platform to reflect and analyze the ways in which this pandemic has affected our lives.
• Discuss the new challenges that the crisis has created and the way how we can best approach them.
• Explore the new possibilities (methods, tools, etc.) that we have developed and/or improved
• Empowering self-esteem and learn how to cope with anxiety and fear.
• To evaluate the ways by which we understand ourselves.

Svi troškovi hrane su pokriveni. Troškovi prijevoza će biti refundirani do maksimalnog iznosa od 275 eura.

Za dodatne informacije pročitajte infopack“, a ukoliko ste zainteresirani prijavite se putem sljedećeg linka. Za dodatna pitanja ili pojašnjenja možete se javiti putem maila udruga.kreaktiva@gmail.com.

Prijave su otvorene do 20. kolovoza 2021. kada ćemo izabrati najprikladnije kandidate koji će nas predstavljati na ovom treningu!

Veselimo se Vašim prijavama!